
The SweeprFi github repository contains Node apps that will be helpful for marketmakers and borrowers.


The Analytics Dashboard is a Node.js server that returns information about Sweep coin deployments, AMMs, and Assets. It is configured to connect to all of the chains where Sweep is deployed.

Sweep protocol deploys the analytics server at You can call it with a simple GET URL. The return data is in JSON format.

The README in the repository describes the available actions. For example

Users can plug this data into a spreadsheet or other application, to build views of the system. For example, this Google Sheet uses an add-in function called ImportJSON to load data from the Analytics server. Other cells in the sheet extract and present information with a table and a graph.


The events log returns SWEEP mint, burn, and transfer events from the chains where Sweep is deployed. Users can modify it to show the chains and events that are important for their marketmaking.

Last updated